Why choose TAE?


The Amazing Learning aims for the student to discover that they have acquired significant learning without taking it completely into account, surprising their parents and themselves with this result.

Amazing Learning happens gradually, however, at TAE we are committed to our methods so that this learning happens satisfactorily for all students.
Nos emociona la idea de formar personas capaces y seguras de sí mismas con los aprendizajes que han logrado obtener.

Learning Process

There are 4 possible brain states that we could have when we learn:

New Phase

This is when the brain experiences something for the first time. If we overcome this phase is when we begin to understand.

Consolidation Phase

This is when you think you understand, because the brain has an idea of
what to do
but has not yet acquired the learning. This is when you realize
you are capable of doing it.

Staying Afloat Phase

This is when you do the previous phases but you don't generate an effort because you already understand everything they are trying to teach you and it becomes boring. In this phase there is no learning.

Drowning Phase

In this phase is when we think: I can't, it's impossible, I won't make it
and I give up.
This phase causes you to withdraw
and not get more involved.

When we want our students to learn, we want more of the first two phases to happen,
a little of the third and avoid the fourth phase.

International Learning Opportunities for Students (ILOS)

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